ÉÏÒ»Ò³ 1 ¡¤¡¤¡¤ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ÏÂÒ»Ò³
ÕªÒª£º Given a string path, which is an absolute path (starting with a slash '/') to a file or directory in a Unix-style file system, convert it to the simpl ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-18 14:39 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(18287) ÆÀÂÛ(8) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given a non-negative integer x, return the square root of x rounded down to the nearest integer. The returned integer should be non-negative as well. ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-18 10:10 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(30388) ÆÀÂÛ(15) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given two strings word1 and word2, return the minimum number of operations required to convert word1 to word2. You have the following three operations ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-17 13:00 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(29968) ÆÀÂÛ(13) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an m x n integer matrix matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0's. You must do it in place. Example 1: Input: matrix = [[ ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-16 13:18 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(17792) ÆÀÂÛ(7) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an array nums with n objects colored red, white, or blue, sort them in-place so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-16 10:50 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(24407) ÆÀÂÛ(6) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given two strings s and t of lengths m and n respectively, return the minimum window substring of s such that every character in t (including duplicat ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-16 07:13 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(39529) ÆÀÂÛ(19) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Download CMake 2.8.12Extract the file, and run "./bootstrap", then "make", then "sudo make install"Add some dependencies, run "sudo apt-get install bu... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-14 08:48 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(491) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Download OpenCV 2.4.10Download CMake 2.8Open CMake and choose the source code directory and build binary directoryThen click "Configure", and "Generat... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-14 06:01 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(626) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given two integers n and k, return all possible combinations of k numbers chosen from the range [1, n]. You may return the answer in any order. Exampl ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-12 15:23 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(25071) ÆÀÂÛ(8) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an m x n grid of characters board and a string word, return true if word exists in the grid. The word can be constructed from letters of sequent ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-12 14:24 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(25034) ÆÀÂÛ(12) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º ÓÐʱºòÔÚÏîÄ¿ÖÐa56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇÐèÒª¼ì²âµ±Ç°Á¬½ÓÔÚ»ú×ÓÉϵÄÉãÏñÍ·µÄÊýÁ¿£¬¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ýÏÂÃæµÄ´úÂëʵÏÖ£¬ÆäÖÐÁ¬½ÓÉãÏñÍ·µÄ×î´óÊýÁ¿maxCamNum¿ÉÒÔÈa56爆大奖在线娱乐âÐ޸ģº/** * Count current camera number */int countCamera() { int maxCamNum = 5; ... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-12 03:51 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(1047) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Add in the system Path:C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin;Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->VC++Directories ->Include Directories:C:\open... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-12 01:49 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(2680) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º QtÏîÄ¿ÔÚ´ò°ü·¢²¼Ö®ºó¶¼ÐèÒªÓиö¸öÐԵijÌÐòͼ±êºÍ´°¿Úͼ±ê£¬ÕâÑù»áʹ³ÌÐò¸ü¼ÓÃÀ¹Û´ó·½£¬ÏÂÃæa56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇ·Ö±ðÀ´¿´ÈçºÎ¸ø³ÌÐòºÍ´°¿Ú·Ö±ðÌí¼Óͼ±ê¡£a56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇÐèÒªÁ½ÖÖ¸ñʽµÄͼƬ£¬a56爆大奖在线娱乐ÊÇ.icoµÄ£¬ÓÃÀ´¸ø³ÌÐòÌí¼Óͼ±ê£¬a56爆大奖在线娱乐ÊÇ.bmp»òÊÇ.pngµÄ£¬ÓÃÀ´¸ø´°¿ÚÌí¼Óͼ±ê¡£- ³ÌÐòÌí¼Óͼ±êÈç¹ûʹÓõÄQt Creator£¬ÄÇôÓüÇÊÂ... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-12 00:43 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(8842) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove some duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears at most twice. The r ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-11 11:02 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(15122) ÆÀÂÛ(5) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove the duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears only once. The relati ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-11 10:22 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(22459) ÆÀÂÛ(16) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Download CMake 2.8.2Download OpenCV 2.4.11Download Qt 5.4Highly improtant note: The installation directory should not contain any space or non-English... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-11 04:29 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(928) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º There is an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order (not necessarily with distinct values). Before being passed to your function, nums is ro ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-10 13:47 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(18978) ÆÀÂÛ(3) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º There is an integer array nums sorted in ascending order (with distinct values). Prior to being passed to your function, nums is possibly rotated at a ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-10 12:34 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(43825) ÆÀÂÛ(7) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Write a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the number of ¡¯1' bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight). For example, the 32-bit ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-10 11:11 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(9676) ÆÀÂÛ(4) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º You are given an m x n integer matrix matrix with the following two properties: Each row is sorted in non-decreasing order. The first integer of each ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-09 12:53 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(15375) ÆÀÂÛ(11) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given a rows x cols binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing only 1's and return its area. Example 1: Input: matri ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-09 06:43 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(37015) ÆÀÂÛ(9) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an array of integers heights representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is 1, return the area of the largest rectangle ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-09 02:38 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(49950) ÆÀÂÛ(15) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Reverse bits of a given 32 bits unsigned integer. Example 1: Input: 00000010100101000001111010011100 Output: 00111001011110000010100101000000 Explanat ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-08 10:15 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(24100) ÆÀÂÛ(5) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given the head of a linked list and a value x, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x. You should p ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-08 08:37 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(14858) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º We can scramble a string s to get a string t using the following algorithm: If the length of the string is 1, stop. If the length of the string is > 1 ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-06 15:53 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(16753) ÆÀÂÛ(10) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º An n-bit gray code sequence is a sequence of 2n integers where: Every integer is in the inclusive range [0, 2n - 1], The first integer is 0, An intege ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-05 13:52 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(20060) ÆÀÂÛ(3) ÍƼö(4) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º ÒÔÏÂת»»´úÂëÕª×Ôά»ù°Ù¿Æ Wikipedia£º/* The purpose of this function is to convert an unsigned binary number to reflected binary Gray code. Th... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-05 13:40 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(6885) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(2) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º C++ÖеÄstringstreamÊÇרÃÅÓÃÀ´´¦Àí×Ö·û´®Á÷µÄ£¬¿ÉÒÔ°´Ë³Ðò½«string»òint¶¼Æ´½ÓÆðÀ´£¬¶ø²»ÓðÑintת»»Îªstring¸ñʽ£¬Ê¹Ó÷½·¨ÈçÏ£º#include #include #include stringstream strstream;std::string s;std::str... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-05 10:22 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(1082) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping: Given a non-empty string containing only digits, determ ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-04 15:03 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(31267) ÆÀÂÛ(13) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º ÕâÈýÖÖÊý¾ÝÀàÐÍÔÚʵ¼ÊÔËÓÃÖо­³£ÐèÒª»¥Ïàת»»£¬ÄÇôÕâÀïС½áÏÂËüÃÇÖ®¼äµÄת»»·½·¨£º- Qstring & stringQtÖзâ×°µÄÀàÊ®·ÖÇ¿´ó£¬Æä³ÉÔ±º¯ÊýÊýÁ¿Ö®¶à±ÈSTDÓйýÖ®¶øÎÞ²»¼°£¬Ðí¶à³ÌÐòÔ±±§Ô¹Qt·ÇÒªÕû¸ö×Ô¼ºµÄQTD£¬ÎªÉ¶²»Ö±½ÓÖ§³ÖSTD£¬µ«ÊÇa56爆大奖在线娱乐Ïë˵ijЩʱºòQTDÍêÈ«¿ÉÒÔÌæ´úSTD£¬¾ÍËã²»ÏëÍêÈ«Ìæ... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-04 06:28 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(8911) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given a collection of integers that might contain duplicates, S, return all possible subsets. Note: Elements in a subset must be in non-descending ord ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-03 14:57 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(20452) ÆÀÂÛ(4) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º QtÖÐQComboBox ºÍ QSpinBox ÊÇÁ½¸öºÜ³£ÓõĿռ䣬QComboBox ÊÇÏÂÀ­²Ëµ¥£¬¶ø QSpinBox Êǵ÷²ÎÊýµÄÉñÆ÷£¬a56爆大奖在线娱乐ËüÃǵÄÓ÷¨Ê®·Ö±ØÒªÊìÁ·ÕÆÎÕ¡£Ê×ÏÈÀ´¿´ QComboBox£¬Õâ¸öÏÂÀ­²Ëµ¥ÖеÄÖµ¿ÉÒÔÔÚUI DesignerÖж¼É趨ºÃ£¬Î»ÓÚµÚÒ»¸öλÖõľÍÊÇĬÈÏÖµ£¬Ò²¾ÍÊdzÌÐòÆô¶¯... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-03 04:12 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(2637) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given an integer array nums of unique elements, return all possible subsets (the power set). The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets. Retu ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-02 17:29 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(32170) ÆÀÂÛ(8) ÍƼö(6) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Reverse a linked list from position m to n. Do it in one-pass. Note: 1 ¡Ü m ¡Ü n ¡Ü length of list. Example: Input: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL, m = 2, n = 4 Out ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-03-01 09:17 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(21092) ÆÀÂÛ(11) ÍƼö(1) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º Given a string containing only digits, restore it by returning all possible valid IP address combinations. Example: Input: "25525511135" Output: ["255 ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-02-28 15:28 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(21523) ÆÀÂÛ(5) ÍƼö(5) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º QtÖеÄQDialogÀàÊÇÓÃÀ´Éú³É¶Ô»°¿òµÄÀ࣬QFileDialog ÀàÊÇQDialogµÄÑÜÉúÀ࣬Ö÷ÒªÓÃÀ´Éú³É´ò¿ªÎļþ£¬»òÊÇ´ò¿ªÎļþĿ¼µÄ¶Ô»°¿ò£¬»òÕßÊDZ£´æÎļþµÄ¶Ô»°¿ò£¬ÏÂÃæa56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇÒ»Ò»À´¿´´úÂ룺1. Load File Dialog/** * Button event for Load File bu... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-02-28 08:07 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(1774) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º QtÖÐQCheckBoxµÄ°´¼üÏìÓ¦ÈçÏ£¬ÆäÖÐcheckboxΪ¶ÔÏóÃû£ºvoid YourClass::on_checkbox_toggled(bool state) { // Do something here} ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-02-28 07:38 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(1257) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º http://www.zcool.com.cn/tosearch.do?page=4&world=%E6%9A%82%E5%81%9C&cateType=104&subcateType=0&channel=0&other=0&sort=0&uid=0&time=0&limit=10&recommen... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-02-28 05:37 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(2424) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º QtÖеÄQTabWiget ÀàÌṩÁËÒ»¸ö±êÇ©¿Ø¼þ£¬µ«ÊÇÕâ¸ö¿Ø¼þĬÈϳõʼ»¯µÄÑÕÉ«ÊÇ°×É«£¬ºÍÔ­´°¿ÚµÄÑÕÉ«²»Í¬£¬¿´ÆðÀ´·Ç³£µÄÎ¥ºÍ£¬a56爆大奖在线娱乐a56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇÏ£Íû½«ÆäµÄ±³¾°ÑÕÉ«ÉèΪµ±Ç°´°¿ÚµÄ±³¾°ÑÕÉ«¡£a56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇËùÒª×öµÄ¾ÍÊÇÏȽ«Ó¦ÓóÌÐò´°¿ÚµÄ±³¾°ÑÕÉ«È¡³öÀ´£¬È»ºóÔÙ¸³¸øQTabWiget ÀàµÄa56爆大奖在线娱乐±êÇ©£¬±ÈÈç˵a56爆大奖在线娱乐ÃÇÓÐtab1ºÍtab2Á½ ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-02-28 03:10 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(1718) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÕªÒª£º ÓÃOpenCVͬʱÏÔʾÁ½¸öÉãÏñÍ·µÄÄÚÈݵĴúÂëÈçÏ£º#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CvCapture... ÔĶÁÈ«ÎÄ
posted @ 2015-02-27 04:48 Grandyang ÔĶÁ(3684) ÆÀÂÛ(0) ÍƼö(0) ±à¼­
ÉÏÒ»Ò³ 1 ¡¤¡¤¡¤ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ÏÂÒ»Ò³
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